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06/23/2009 Town Council Regular Meeting
Town of East Hampton
Town Council Regular Meeting
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Eaton E. Smith Meeting Room – Town Hall 


Present:  Chairperson Melissa Engel, Vice Chairman Thomas Cordeiro and members, William Devine, John Tuttle, and Susan Weintraub. Also present were Town Manager Jeffery O’Keefe, Recording Secretary Lori Lanzi, and citizens.

Not Present:  Christopher Goff and Scott Minnick

Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance: ~Chairperson Engel called the regular meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. ~All stood to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. ~

Approval of Minutes:
A motion was made by Mr. Cordeiro, seconded by Mr. Devine, to approve the minutes of the Town Council Special Meeting of Tuesday, June 9, 2009 as written.  Voted (4-0-1) Mr. Tuttle abstained as he was absent from the last meeting.

A motion was made by Mr. Cordeiro, seconded by Mr. Devine, to approve the minutes of the Town Council Regular Meeting of Tuesday, June 9, 2009 with the change under communications as discussed by Ms. Weintraub.  Voted (4-0-1) Mr. Tuttle abstained as he was absent from the last meeting.
Student Reports:  None

A motion was made by Ms. Engel, seconded by Ms. Weintraub, to add Red McKinney to Special Presentation as 4A.  Move 4A. Way Finding Signage Presentation by the Streetscape Committee to 4C., and 4B. would remain the same. Voted (5-0-0)  

Special Presentation
Red McKinney:  Mr. McKinney provided an overview of this year’s Old Home Days celebration.  The dates for this year’s Old Home Days are July 9th through the 11th. He asked that the Town again cover the cost of the police used for the event and that the event be covered by a rider on town insurance. He hopes all the council members will march in the parade.  Mr. McKinney thanked the council for their continued support.  A motion was made by Ms. Engel, seconded by Mr. Devine, to approve the town paying the cost of police coverage and that the town provides an insurance rider for Old Home Days. Voted (5-0-0)

Pavement Preservation Program Presentation by Keith Hayden:  Mr. Hayden gave a presentation on the pavement management system.  He explained what it does and does not do.  He used charts and an exhibit to explain the program.  Mr. Hayden explained why pavement preservation is cost-effective, extends pavement life while improving roads, and saves money.  With the proposed program, we would be going from looking at 8 million to 3.6 million dollars in funding.  This process does not include unimproved roads.  These roads are maintained under separate federal funds.  Mr. O’Keefe stated he has submitted a request to congress for funds for unimproved roads.  Ms. Engel asked if the town was looking at other engineering firms.  Mr. O’Keefe and Mr. Hayden are discussing this.   Mr. Cordeiro asked if any other towns in the state are using this process and Mr. Hayden said East Lyme was.  Mr. Hayden will give the council a list of roads in East Lyme that have had this process used on them.  

Way Finding Signage Presentation by the Streetscape Committee:  Liz Harris, Streetscape Committee, discussed the need for East Hampton to have Way Finding Signage throughout town.  The committee’s goal was to tie the three towns (East Hampton, Middle Haddam, and Cobalt) into one.  Sue Weintraub, Streetscape Committee member, and Teri Prestash, Red Barn Studio, designed the logo to be used on way finding signs as well as other town materials. Ms. Weintraub thanked Kevin Burnham for his work on the project and Diana Marsh of the Design Review Board for her support. She showed a proto type of the sign so you would be able to get a prospective of the size.  She also did a prototype to scale of what the sign would look like on the signal post at Main Street and Route 66.  Scott Hill, DOT, answered many questions in reference to what requirements DOT has.  This sign meets their requirements because it is not strictly for traffic and that it is also for pedestrian traffic.  The arrows were tied in so they would look like arrowheads to tie in with Lake Pocotopaug.  The logo Teri worked on was to make the bell more contemporary and give it a little more motion. She worked to make the ship less busy.  Tried to make tie it into boating because of the river and the lake.  The council asked why the 1776 was not in the logo.  Ms. Weintraub stated it made it to busy, but she did put it onto the welcome sign she proposes when you come into town.  She proposes signs to direct people to specific locations (i.e. school, fire station).  She showed a picture of the logo on a public works truck.  She showed a list of destinations in town where these signs may go.  The committee reviewed a map to come up with this list.  The old bell sign would go well in the village center on the green where the bell is always stolen from the sign.  It is historic down their and would look good with the black poles.  To take it one-step further the committee thought the piece of land deeded to the town off Long Hill Road and Route 66 would be a good location to have a gateway sign.  She shared a proto type with brownstone and metal treatment for the logo for this sign.  Ms. Engel suggested the property in Cobalt and Route 151 for a gateway sign. Streetscape has funds only for the Streetscape project area. EDC may have funds we can use for this project.  Additional funds will need to be raised for signage in other parts of town.  Ms. Engel noted that EDC and DRB sent the council letters in support of this project and they will be put into the minutes.  The committee was thanked and complimented for their work.  The Town Council would like this group to come back to them with the bell closed in and 1776 in the bell for the council to look at.  Ms. Engel asked what opportunity commercial businesses had in this signage program.  Ms. Weintraub spoke with Scott Hill, DOT, and he said you could not use this for private businesses.  You can have a blank and advertise annual events throughout this year.  Mr. O’Keefe will schedule a public hearing for 6:00 p.m. before the July Town Council meeting.  This will give the public an opportunity to comment on the logo.  From here, we can have a staff member or committee put this together to decide what signs to purchase and prioritize the project.  

Public Remarks
John Ciriello, 30 Childs Road, was wondering if the Lake Pocotopaug sign at corner of Marlborough Road and Rt. 66 with the arrow was part of Streetscape and could be repaired because that sign is embarrassing.  Ms. Weintraub said that is on the West side and not part of Streetscape.  Ms. Engel stated the sign is taken care of by Rotary and maybe some one should speak to them.  Red McKinney said they would take care of it.

Ted Hintz, Board of Finance Chairman, commented that he loves the signage, great logo.  He had comments on the adoption of the public water system budget.  The last time this came up I made a couple inquiries that the water system has double the amount of expenses for the revenues. When I first started following this, we funded $10,000 and we are up to $60,000. I pay about a $100 month for water softener and I have my system treated and do all my water testing.  They are looking at about $400 per year for the average person on the system and I pay well in excess of that and I am paying for their water.  I just hope this council looks at pricing.   We are higher than the average by two cents and Colchester is about fifty cents higher than East Hampton.  I ask the council to take a look at this before you vote on the budget.  Ms. Engel wanted the council to understand what Ted has maintained for a long time is that we are not charging enough for the people who are benefiting in the village center and the town has to subsidize that by about $55,000.00 - $60, 00.00 a year.  

Richard Norkun, Chairman Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, read letter he submitted regarding the Sears Park Master Plan.  The letter will be included in the minutes filed in the Town Clerk’s office.

David Williams, 43 Wopowog Rd, recently heard that the town owns South Beach on Wangonk Trail.  He would like to know if the town has any plans for this property that the taxpayers are paying for.  He believes it is town property and there may be room for development opportunity.  Maybe we can have a second beach.  He requests the town investigate this.

Jill Perruccio, 54 Wangonk Trail, actually, what he speaks of is true.  I talked to a couple of members about this and there is a portion of the beach called South Beach that the town does own.  For me claiming that beach breaks our tax district.  We are a town within a town but we are not complying with CGS being you have to own contiguous borders and not only do you own South Beach and you own lot 170.  Our roads where turned over to you in 1962 and you do maintain our roads.  My desire is for this district to be broken up and for the town to take it over and manage it.  If the district is dissolved my reason is it is run by vigilantes, they use guerilla tactics, there is discrimination, they are not maintaining property as they should, they do not follow CGS which say you have to have contiguous boundaries, do annual audits, must tax members on assessed values, and provide one municipal service and they do not do that.  We are all taxed the same rate.  There are 143 homes out there and 60% do not want to be part of this district.  Of 143 homes, only 14 allowed to have docks.  Docks should be condemned.  You could put a docking system out their like the other side of the lake. If you look at your original deed, the town owned more than this.  If it is dissolved which legally it should because we are not compliant you would inherit all of our assets once all of our payables are paid off.  I don't know if the town can make a motion for this but if the town could look into this and resolve it soon.  I think the Princess Pocotopaug Association needs to cease and desist until business matters dissolved.  I would feel much more comfortable sending the town our taxes until this is resolved.  I think the town supersedes our government.  There are many more town people than us and I think the town should be enjoying it.

Andrew Perruccio, 54 Wangonk Trail, commented that there are additional properties out there. This can be brought to court by individuals and we can break this apart.  We will break this apart.  We have been sued several times.  We are going to put an end to this anyway.  You have additional properties you have two more beaches. When this is dissolved, the town has first right to it.  You inherit the beaches, clubhouse, docks.  The town can use these. We do not have these beaches maintained the way I think a town would maintain them.  All they maintain is their boating area and they are on the boards. I don't wan to sound like I am enemy with them.  Let the town take it over if they are going to and they will have some decent beaches.  I think the town can manage it better. There are additional properties you will be taken into your possession and do what you want.  Turn into boat ramps or additional beaches.  

Irene Curtis, 13 Wangonk Trail, I've been an officer and board member since we moved in 1970.  It is a legal taxing district operating municipality within the town.  We do own two beaches and docks. As you can see, there is some discourse right now.  This topic has come up multiple times at annual meetings and does get voted down.  There is no consensus to break up the corporation. Should I schedule an appointment with Jeff to explain?  Ms. Engel stated, I think what we are going to do is direct the town manager to look into this and told Irene if Mr. O'Keefe needs to speak with her she was sure he would call her.

Kevin Burnham, 19 Laurel Glen Drive and member of Streetscape and DRB, I support Keith Hayden’s program and as Sue mentioned I work for the city of Hartford and what he is looking at is very sensible.  The general principles of pavement management are very sound and should be seriously looked into.  

Karen Lee, 52 Pine Brook Road, in response to the same topic, I would like to express my continued frustration.  The presentation tonight was talking about paved roads.  Do I need to remind this group yet again about a year or so ago this room was full of residents who live on unpaved roads because at that time there was a threat of abandoning the roads?  And I believe many residents stood up and reminded you that the town has been very negligent in maintenance of those roads. The annual grading that is done we are still waiting for it and there has been a number of years when it has never been done.  Many residents at that meeting expressed their concerns and that they had to use their own dollars to maintain these roads.  Yet again, a population neglected.  Very good approach great to see we are applying dollars but why are we not addressing the entire town.  At that meeting you asked us for email addresses you where going to get together you where going to address those issues here we are again and nothing is done.  Here again we have action taken on a new proposal.  Yet again population not even addressed.  It is a continued frustration and I would like to see something done for those who live on unapproved roads.  Even if it is just the bare bones minimum through federal funding that is used, give it to us to maintain our roads.  But, we should have been built into some plan that was developed.

Mary Ann Dostaler, 56 William Drive, wanted to thank the efforts of the Streetscape Committee and EDC who have worked hard and have a tremendous program.  Appreciate not micro managing graphic designers.  I do know for instance with logo and the length of the date in the bell that may be something we want to see when we are all sitting and looking at the logo at a close distance.  But that signage program was designed to look at when passing at 30 miles per hour.  You’re not going to be able to see that level of detail.  In fact it might actually be a distraction from the overall appreciation of the logo itself and I think that unless until there can really be a sound understanding of all the rationalizes as to how the sign came to look as it is to understand and appreciate what the size of the sign is going to be to the speed people will be driving by to look at it and all these types of things.  I just hope that we don't overly ask more out of their time to develop something that looks fantastic already and I say move forward as quickly as we can because I think the work they have done is quite sound.   Thank you and thanks to everyone on Streetscape.

David Wiley, Colchester Avenue, back in April he sent a letter to Mr. Susco, Sewer Department, requesting this department raise some manholes on Route 16 and Forest Street. Several locations are very low.  They belong to the town not the state.  I just want to know why we are not getting them raised.  Some of them are slightly indented where there is a bump and I really get whacked on them when I go over them.  I spent a lot of money on my commercial truck due to this and do not want to do it again.  Last time the state paved Route 16 was 1997.  Usually their underlays go anywhere from ten to fifteen years depending on the pavement condition so it will be another four or five years before anything is done out there and I just think that is to long to wait.  The Forest Street one has been chip sealed several times and also the manholes have not been adjusted.  I was wondering if there are monetary concerns about this. Ms. Engel is going to pass this onto our Town Manager.

Sal Nucifora, 147 Colchester Avenue, couple of minor things compared to the big stuff mentioned.  The Streetscape signs are excellent.  I’d like the one at four corners but I think it should say Main Street instead of East Hampton.  That is one of the main intersections in town and when you are directing someone, you are always using Main Street.  Plus you should know you are in East Hampton by the time you get to that part of town.  Another thing I think the town should seriously consider looking to expand the sides walks. Particularly Smith Street to Cranberry Bog.  I drive that part of town quite often and I always see kids coming down a fairly steep hill and I think it is quite dangerous.  There have been some developments put in on Smith Street that have brought quite a bit of kids in and also just take a look at the general state in town of sidewalks and where we want people biking in walking.  I know it is a lot of money but at least consider it.  

Scott Sanicki, 102 Quiet Woods Road, liked the signage very much. Wherever we decide to go with it is another story but I think it is a great thing to see.  I know when I moved into town six years ago it was hard to find some of the things I wanted to see.  Even today, I just start to know where the school systems are for the various meetings I attend.  I think this a great way to move forward and we should be doing that. The pavement approach I see today is a good idea.  I've seen a lot of these things in action and researched them to actually improve my street.  One of things you can do on the dirt road as well is do a reclaiming process, which will allow you to put rock, and things into the surface that is sub par.  That is one of things that could be done during this process.  Most interesting is it allows for drainage. As you go through and research dirt roads as well as asphalt roads the big sentiment is water and if you go look at most of the roads being complained about, as well as my own, we’ve done drainage on there but there are still sections due to improper grading becomes degraded very quickly usually in a months time frame because of the improper grading.  It is one of the things we need to be aware of and this allows it to happen in a pretty good way.  I'm happy to see we are moving forward to improve things.

Laurie Wasilewski, Hog Hill Road, Ms. Weintraub read her letter into the record. Ms. Wasilewski questioned the 33.08% increase in the travel expenditure portion of the water system operating budget; commented on the cost analysis of bidding construction projects vs. hiring workers and renting equipment and commented on the noise control initiatives at Angelico’s Restaurant.  The full letter will be included in the minutes in the Town Clerk’s Office.

Jeff O’Keefe response to public comments:
  • Rich Norkun talked about fast tracking the Sears Park Master plan.  Not sure why he feels that way.  There is no intention to fast track this plan.  If you remember, we requested the plan go back to the advisory group to start talking about that plan.  I believe the meeting is for tomorrow afternoon to talk specifically about the master plan.  I find it interesting he says in his letter "don't take any further action on this plan", but in the next paragraph he asks council to make a motion this evening to add Sears Park Master Plan to the agenda and appoint the Parks and Rec Advisory Board as the Building Committee.  Still not sure why there seems to be a disconnect or concern this is being fast tracked.  The direction of this council at the last meeting was to take it back to the Park and Recs advisory board and get a lot more of their input.  If you recall we had a special meeting, a joint meeting with the advisory board and council specifically on the Sears Park Master Plan.  There is no intention of trying to fast track anything. We just saw it for the first time ourselves.  It is a 1.2 million dollar proposition.  I guess I have some work to do with the advisory board to make them feel more a part of this process.
  • Both David Williams and Mr. & Mrs. Perruccio and I have met once or twice trying to sort through all the issues of Princess Pocotopaug Association.  As you heard, Irene and I spoke to a couple of other members of PPA.  So, clearly the assessor’s records don't necessarily show factually if the town owns South Beach or not. The only way we are going to know definitively is we are going to have to conduct an official survey of that property.  So, I have asked Jim Carey to look into this matter.  I will bring back a full report on our findings.  I do believe it is an issue between the homeowners and the taxing district.  I need to sort through what are the town's legal rights in terms of dealing with that.  It is a lot bigger issue than the town owns this and therefore the taxing district goes away.  Mr. Cordeiro asked Mr. O'Keefe to research other taxing districts in town and see how many there are.
  • Thanked Kevin Burnham for his comments and support.
  • Pine brook Road is on this agenda to talk about in its entirety.  Did want to make a comment recently the town put about $20,000 worth of road improvements into Pine Brook.  It looks a lot better than it did.  As part of our road program we are going to have to take a look at what are some of our plans for unimproved roads and I will be working with Keith on that.  This is a great program for this.  But for some folks who live on dirt roads they just want to pass and don't like you being out their.  But we have other unimproved roads that other folks have a different perspective on that.  We will be discussing Pine Brook as an action item tonight as well.  Mr. Cordeiro commented it was not this town council who decided it will not support unapproved roads.  Mr. O'Keefe said the challenge is we have eight to nine miles of unimproved roads and if you are looking at 1.2 million per mile to bring it up maybe Scott's idea needs to be looked at.  I will be having some discussions with Keith.
  • In regard to the manholes I will meet with Vin Susco and Keith Hayden to take a look at those.  He confirmed the locations as Smith Street and Route 16 and about house number 10 on Colchester Avenue.
  • Sal from Colchester Avenue discussed sidewalks.  I believe our Public Works Director is working on a program that addresses public sidewalks.  I don't think we are there with it yet but I know he has an interest of doing sidewalk work annually to some degree
New Business
Adoption of Public Water System Budget:  Mr. Devine recused himself from the discussion as it relates to properties he owns.  Vincent Susco, Public Utilities Administrator, reviewed the water system operating budget and water rates for fiscal year 2009/10.  Ms. Weintraub asked if the cost was spread equally.  Mr. Cordeiro asked that the chart be simplified with a narrative recommendation next year.  A motion was made by Mr. Cordeiro, seconded by Mr. Tuttle, to approve the water system operating budget, per user at $3.99, with surplus going to the deficit. ~Voted (5-0-1).  Mr. Devine abstained.

Cost Analysis of Bidding Construction Projects vs. Hiring Workers and Renting Equipment:  Mr. Hayden informed the council no one in the 169 towns in the state use this practice.  Mr. Hayden recommended that the existing practice of advertising for sealed bids and hiring contractors based on the lowest bid from a qualified contractor for large construction projects continue.
Old (Continued) Business
Update on Noise Control Initiatives:  Ms. Engel stated the town has purchased a noise meter to monitor noise concerns throughout the town.  To date, due to weather conditions, this meter has not been used.  Mr. O’Keefe met with Mr. Angelico to discuss possible options to address this issue.  Mr. O’Keefe will be meeting again with Mr. Angelico and his attorney.  Mr. Devine asked if staff needed training to use the noise meter and they do not.  Mr. Tuttle would like to measure other noise to have a measure of what noise is.  Mr. O’Keefe said for the weekend of June 13 and 14th there was one complaint for noise.  For the weekend of June 20 and 21st, there were two complaints of noise. Ms. Engel stated the town council is considering all options for noise control.  The council would like to resolve this without a noise ordinance.  If it doesn't work this way will put one in place.  We are not throwing that out the window.  But as we all agreed last meeting we would like to work on this without putting one into place.  We will continue to keep you updated on this.

Ms. Weintraub did some research because she wanted to understand a little better what was being talked about and a couple of things she found out when a town doesn't have a noise ordinance that the State statute in place is to protect the citizens right for peace and quiet.  We looked at some of the information that Jim Carey had provided.  Also interesting un-amplified sound is exempt. Music not amplified is not considered to be too noisy.  The State statute says the maximum decibel when the noise is located in a commercial property and the receptor is a residential property is 55 decibels in the daytime and 45 decibels at night.  Mr. O'Keefe thinks it is 60 and 55.  How do decibels proceed into loudness.  A dishwasher is 55;  normal conversation is 60; vehicle driven at 30 miles per hour 50 feet away is 75; noisy restaurant is 90;  noisy cocktail bar is 110.  When I spoke to an Acoustics Professor at the University of Hartford, he recommended a training program for police for $1,500.  He will provide training for five staff members give you the equipment that can be calibrated, a meter, and lunch.  Based on a typical location where you have a residential commercial proximity that is within ten to fifteen feet he didn't see how anything could be done with amplification and any kind of sound given a proximity of fifteen feet of a neighbor.  If it is a commercial property creating the sound and you measure it one foot into that residential property he said if it is ten or fifteen feet away he did not know how you could possibly create enough sound deadening material so that you would not have any amplification.  Ms. Weintraub thought that was interesting coming from an acoustics professor.  Hartford did an interesting ordinance the end of last year.  That in the absence of a sound level meter noise will be plainly audio able when heard at a distance of a 100 feet from the source by a person of normal hearing. What they are saying in Hartford is that if you are 100 feet from an establishment you should not be able to hear anything.  If you do, it is too loud. So, in absence of a sound meter they are actually using someone that can hear normally and this was actually upheld in a Florida court in a ruling that the judge said that hearing is objective not subjective.  I thought that it was interesting the city of Hartford is able to do this without a noise decibel meter.  Why have 60 towns in Connecticut who have passed a noise ordinance.  Some of them are just taking the state statute and saying the officer is responsible for enforcing it.  Which would be obviously the local police chief or his designated representative?  Without one, I was told today by DEP that local police cannot enforce the State statute they must pass it on to the DEP to enforce it if you do not have a noise ordinance.

Ms. Engel said the three towns she spoke with that have a noise ordinance have never used it for a restaurant.  That it was the discretion of the police who would be called out to a noise complaint.  Never once have they used their noise ordinance with a restaurant.  Instead, the police have said this band is particularly loud and turn it down. The restaurant in Guilford put in some sound deadening things that have worked well for the neighbors. So, I think at the point we are at right now is trying to develop this and at this point Mr. Angelico has been working with us in good faith.  With that said, I don't think we are at the point to change what we said last month.

Ms. Weintraub said that is great that town was able to do that.  The reason why the 60 towns in CT have noise ordinances is to give them more control.  If the town can work it out that is great.

Update on Orientation Manual for New Commissions:  Mr. O’Keefe asked the council to review the table of contents, draft of orientation documents, and bring their comments to the July meting.  It was suggested that FOI be added to table of contents.

Pine Brook Action Plan:  Ms. Engel reviewed the Pine Brook action plan.  Mr. O’Keefe distributed the $705,000 cost estimate.  Ms. Engel stated Pine Brook is the town’s responsibility, as they own it.  She suggests P&Z address roads like this for the future.

Ken Lee, 52 Pine Brook Road, expressed his concerns over the bridge.  Being told do not go over the bridge does us no good.  Guard rails not much there to support guardrails.  You put guardrails on something you are just going to have to tear up afterwards.  It was $20,000 and I appreciate it but in reality not enough embankment to support the guardrails.  There is this much dirt and you have a guardrail post into it.  It is not going to support much.  A car weights 60,000 pounds and it is going to slide.

Karen Lee, 52 Pine Brook Road, the basis of your conversation has surrounded flooding and the accident that has occurred.  The problem is the culvert and the root cause is the negligence and the lack of action.  It is the annual grading that has been by passed it is the shoddy work, band-aids, patches.  The culvert that was put in last year that caused the accident was that engineered, did you get the proper permits for the 100-year flood for that.  I highly doubt that.  To be perfectly honest with you and no disrespect Mr. Hayden every single conversation is frustrating.  Quote asked if the culvert was safe for our oil truck or oil service who has expressed concern.  “safe don’t linger”  What about we have delivery truck of rock on a tri axle “drop the tri axle tell the driver don’t’ linger”  “it’s cheaper for us to buy your houses and condemn them” “We don’t care about the other property owners beyond your house because it is not a town road.  The town road ends at your property.”  Other property owners hike, walk, use their dirt bikes. It’s their property they have the right to access it. “We don’t care about them.”  

Ms. Engel asked if it was the bridge, she was talking about.  Are we talking the bridge or the culvert.  Ms. Lee stated the bridge is a culvert.  Ms. Engel asked if there is a reason to make a motion on this if this is not helpful to the residents in any way.  Karen Lee just wants to see the town follow through with the services the town is supposed to provide.  Ms. Engel asked if she was talking about gravel, grating, and repairs.  Karen Lee said if you are going to maintain on a regular basis that is fine. Ms. Engel stated Mr. Hayden intends to put gravel beyond the bridge.

Ken Lee, 52 Pine Brook Road, stated Mr. Hayden brought a grader out a month ago and did the roads.  They stopped at bridge.  They could have brought the bucket loader to our houses.  Why he didn’t do that I don’t know.  

Ms. Engel stated we need to rescind the motion we made.  Mr. Devine made a motion to rescind the motion made, Mr. Tuttle second the motion.  Voted (5-0-0)  

Mr. O’Keefe thinks it would be in the best interest of the town to reiterate some of the issues in a letter.  Safety is paramount to those residents and it is a concern for me.  In the same token, we’re going to have to figure out how we fund a $705,000.00 bridge down the road and where it fits into the priority of all the other un-improved roads. There is a possibility to get some funds from a Natural Mitigation Hazard Plan grant.  The government is just now finalizing natural mitigation hazards and the hope is to get this road onto this list.  It still will take 2 ½ years to complete bridge work once we find funding.  

Ms. Engel asked while Mr. Hayden is developing the priority of road repairs list to inform the council where Pine Brook falls.  Road prioritization list should be coming from Keith Hayden soon.   Ms. Engel said we should get stone on other side of bridge down.

Road Update
  • Smith Street & Route 16 State Paving Project:  Mr. O’Keefe said the manholes discussed in public comments covers this update.  The state has no future paving plans for these roads.
  • Forest Street Runoff Concerns :  Mr. O’Keefe stated there has been healthy discussion with Wayne Rand and some of the problems created where water diverted onto someone’s property.  A property owner built up an embankment to divert it off his property and it ran onto his neighbors’ property.  Mr. Hayden has put together a budget and work plan to do something with this.  We are trying to work with Wayne Rand on this also.
  • Main Street & Route 66 Project:  Mr. O’Keefe updated that the hole is dug out and being cleaned.  I hope that grass will be in next week.  Mr. Devine questioned if the water issue was addressed.
Bids & Contracts
Flanders Road Improvement Project No. 2:  Mr. O’Keefe requested this be tabled to the July meeting.

Resolutions/Ordinances/Policies/Proclamations:  None

Report of Town Manager:  
  • Mr. O’Keefe attended a meeting for the $61,000 ARRA funds needed to submit program by September.  Would like funds used for an energy strategic plan.  
  • He met with Comcast to see what the cost of a fiber optic line would be.  The council meetings would be broadcast live.  It would be a two camera system and we would have a full view of council.  Possibly a camera in corner to capture audience.  
  • An Emergency Management grant was secured for $10,000.
Appointments:  None

Liaison Reports:  
Mr. Tuttle gave a Board of Education update.  Reduced budget by $452,000 by cutting five positions (1 elementary teacher; 1 high school teacher; 1 part time para at high school library; and 2 high school paras); Instituted a Pay to Play ($150 per student at high school and $75 per student at middle school.  There will be a $450 cap per family); Cut money from Learning Center.  New program run downtown with East Haddam.  Very effective program that has eight students.  We share the cost with East Haddam.  An assembly at the Middle school the statewide VFW presented Mr. Hodgson with the VFW Citizenship Education Teacher Award.  

Ms. Weintraub gave a Housing Authority update.  Housing authority approved their new bylaws and eight individuals are on the waiting list for apartments.  Board of Finance revenues were not as strong as they would like them to be.  Hired a new auditing company and looking forward to the change.

Lake Commission update:  John Ciriello distributed sample key/money holders they will be giving out at the booth they are sponsoring at Old Home Day.  

Financial Statements and Transactions:  Mr. O’Keefe distributed General Fund Expenditure report as of June 12, 2009.

Tax Refunds:  A motion was made by Mr. Cordeiro, seconded by Mr. Devine, to approve tax refund in the amount of $343.07. Voted (5-0-0).

Communications, Correspondence & Announcements:  Ms. Engel stated you may look at them at your leisure.

Coming Up:  
  • Motherboard meeting June 30, 2009 at 6:30 p.m.
  • Ribbon on cutting June 29, 2009 at 5:30 p.m. for Sweet Cravings, 82 Main Street
  • Village Business Meeting June 29, 2009 at 6:15 p.m. with Chief of Police speaking.
Public Remarks
Judy Isele, Wangonk Trail, wasn’t here earlier but aware of a couple of neighbors who brought an issue about the PPA tax district.  Saying the residents wanted it to be dissolved and the town to take it over.  I am shocked at that and I have been formally on the board for eight years and lived in the neighborhood for ten years.  The woman who spoke has lived in the neighborhood for less than one year.  There is no talk in neighborhood that I am aware of.  I apologize it is coming to you guys for an action item for the town.  I wish they had come to the board and talked about it.  I heard she spoke about South Beach easement maybe it doesn’t belong to the association.  The only thing I can think of there is an easement for the Fire department so they can protect our houses.  That would be my guess.  Maybe this is why it shows up as town property.  I was the treasurer for several years and we have been paying taxes on four properties that include South Beach. Nearly $9,500.00 per year. The town owns one house due to foreclosure.  I would be surprised if 60% of the neighbors want the tax district dissolved.  The tax is $200.00 per year and you get two beaches and two docks and club house you can rent.  Ms. Isele introduced the board members standing beside her.  Everyone in neighborhood has a card to access the gate.  The discrimination spoke about earlier by a gentleman is a legal action for non compliance. Probably shouldn’t talk about it as it is legal action.  He violated the rules.  At this time, there is action by the association vs. a homeowner.  Ms. Isele would like to know how she could get water for $400.00 vs. $2,000.00.  Ms. Isele missed Angelico’s music.

Brian Kujawski, Mohawk Trail, vice president of the association.  Would like this matter tabled so he can confer with an attorney and some one at the town hall.  He came in the town hall two weeks ago and got a map that shows everyone’s property and what the town owns.  This is a vindictive thing going on right now.   We are going to take care of it ourselves.  Ms. Engel stated we are not taking any action.  What we have done was ask our Town Manager to investigate this.  Sounds like that needs to be done anyway.

Andrew Perucchio, 54 Wangonk Trail, Irene was offered advice at a meeting with the town planner.  By state statute the tax district is wrongfully and illegally imposed on people.  We went through the town records and there is no tax record of them paying taxes on that beach for many years.  There also is no deed from PPA that owns it.  It is still town property.  State law states taxing districts have to have contiguous boundaries and it does not have contiguous boundaries and it is not a district.  The argument is these people are being taxed in a district that is not a district.  We can throw all the other stuff aside and you can hear how they received certified letters sent to them and they refuse to receive them.  I can call the man back who has the discrimination case.  We can talk up front face to face with you their.  But that is not even the issue.  The issue is the town has property.  Ms. Engel said the Town Manager will investigate this.

Kyle Dostaler, 56 William Drive, in regards to the Forest Street run off concerns is East Hampton tax payer having to pay any amount of money for this water conversion run off issue.  Ms. Engel, I hope not, but I do not know the answer to that.   

Mr. O’Keefe said he thinks it is a water problem.  Wayne Rand is not at fault.  I indicated Wayne Rand was involved because he indicated he might be able to help us deal with the issue.  But, I don’t think he is at fault for this.  

Mr. Dostaler, stated he thinks this goes to a bigger point that is indicative to the town’s overall problem with culverts with issues that you know basically come from decisions that have been made in the past that are affecting us now.  We have much smarter people in town now who want  services that the town is responsible for.  People on Pine Road should have their road fixed if it is $700,000 dollars what ever it cost is because the town took responsibility on this.  They signed the dotted  line.  Aside from the fact why the town accepted this as a road why it accepted this road as responsibility and liability of the town is another discussion.  Now that it has, there is lots of issues with the roads that have been happening for a very long period of time and now are just only being addressed.  I’d be interested to find out if the town has to pay a penny in regards to the Forest Street run off concern.  Because it shouldn’t have to.  This should be something the building department had specs, permits and town should not be liable for things like this.  It’s ridiculous.

Mr. Cordeiro asked what year the smarter people began to move in Kyle.  That is all I want to know.  Was it 2002?  

Mr. Dostaler responded, actually, there are a higher degree of educated people in town now than there were ten or fifteen years ago.  Mr. Cordeiro responded, I see.   Mr. Dostaler referred to Seven Hills homes as an example of smarter people.

Karen Cook, 48 Pine Brook Road, reiterated the large safety hazard this culvert presents.  This culvert is continuing to deteriorate.  This is a stress we have to live with on a daily basis.  Wondering when are they going to fix it.  Is it ever going to be fixed.  I have to drive my kids to school crying they are afraid I won’t be able to get them.  Could be anyone, UPS, my children, friends.  Just because two of us live on that road our children’s safety is just as important as children living in a development.  We are all residents here.  We are just as important.

Thomas Cook, 48 Pine Brook Road, there was a resident well before I bought the place in another spot on that property.  This isn’t something added.  There was someone their way before us.  

Karen Lee, 52 Pine Brook Road, just to follow on that there are two foundations on her property from ages ago. I appreciate the fact this was put on agenda and discussed.  I honestly don’t feel any better.  Honestly there is a conflict between what town should be doing and its practice.  Whether tonight or conversations with town representatives, we have heard conflicting things that they will maintain it.  We live there and it has not been maintained.  The road stops here.  Come on we fought long and hard battle to finally get clarification where town road actually ends.  It ends at the telephone pole past my driveway.  In the five years we have been their we have had  maintenance once.  The water really is not the issue.  To be perfectly honest we drive through the water.  The issues is the culvert fails.  There are holes in it.  In a month or two you are probably going to get a call we can’t drive through it.  Why because it starts with the little divots the little holes and one day all the sudden it is just gone.  Plan for bad weather for road disappearing. We can’t do that.  If emergency, I am coming to you for my hotel, car, food, etc.  My daughter will be in kindergarten soon. A bus or van will have to pass through.  Possibly carrying other school children.  It is just not safe for my family.  You have many other individuals who access our road.  All we ask for is basic maintenance to sustain it.  If bridge collapses and you displace me for two years and you think I am loud now just wait there are going to be issues.

Scott Sanicki, 102 Quiet Wood Road, congratulations on meeting two weeks ago.  Went over action items sitting out there and closed them finally.  Just wondering what we are doing for future meetings about all these questions people are asking so there is closure.  Thinking of school children and how to get a bus on my street also.  How do we get a bus out there it is over a mile.  We haven’t addressed that.  Very narrow roadway.  Large vehicles can’t turn around now.  What are we doing to address public roads that are dead ends and that we will have to use for public services.  Neighbors are willing to do things but it takes the town to have conversations with us.   Quite Wood Road may be access for Pine Brook Road.

Mark Johnson, 18 Mohawk Trail, president of PPA.  Lived at this address for twenty three years and has not heard anything about 60% wanting to dissolve Princess Pocotopaug Association.  I have been involved for many years and don’t agree and want to be on the record.

Lanette Zaborowski, 28 Wangonk Trail, has not heard anything about dissolving Princess Pocotopaug Association and have been there for twenty four years.

Sharon Gayeski, 26 Mohawk Trail, has not heard anything about dissolving Princess Pocotopaug Association.  A couple of angry people but far from a majority or 60%.  Maybe a third percent.

Tom Bezilla, 21 Seminole Trail, I am one of the ones that have been discriminated against by the association.  I actually got many proxy votes to change out the people on the board that were bullying people for years.   I have been there for nine years and they treat people who move in new comers like you are nothing.  They have tried to take my dock away for nine years.  This year they came up with a new plan how to do it.  I have all my evidence and will meet with you to show it to you.  I was late with taxes and they voted to take my dock away and now legal action against me.  There is a lot to this and needs to be a separate meeting on this.  I put in the vice president and president because of my proxy votes.  There is a bullying tactic that goes on with this board here and it’s board members.  I heard of other members on board who slashed tires.  Bullying tactics have to stop.

Mary Ann Dostaler, 56 William Drive, hoped for clarification in Hartford Courant article this past week in I Town section of Sunday’s paper.  It  referenced town was seeking release of funds related to the application to approve the library and community development block grant.  The paper said $70,000.  I assume it was a misprint.  Has there been any award of that.  Mr. O’Keefe said actually it was $700,000 and needs to be followed up on and won’t know until October of November if we are lucky.

Fran Klein, 12 Bellevue Street, nice logo. Thanked Town Council.  Photo’s and logo’s very nice.  Thank  you Tom for saying this problem of noise management is not an Angelico problem.  We requested a Town ordinance and had much discussion on the pro con.  The question was do you prefer town noise management control or town noise ordinance.  You took a consensus and we went with noise management control.  Now I am looking at what the Town Manager has written and what is on agenda and we are looking at a noise control initiative.  That is a lot different than noise management control.  My understanding was you and a delegate from town council and town employee would meet with Mr. Angelico to ascertain what he would do and the council would come up with an acceptable decibel level.  What we are measuring, what volume is tolerable and in-tolerable and offer an action plan. Who is responsible, what is the criteria for the parameters for breaking the rules.  I know if I am drunk driving once I get a ticket.  After a few times you are out period.  All we are asking what are the parameters, what are the actions.  Memorial day was omitted from the notes.  No one asked the Chief of Police how many calls he received over that weekend.  All this plays in.

Susan Wielgosh, 79 North Main Street, read into minutes.  In response to letter Mr. Carey, reported light is in compliance with town ordinance section 28.1f.  Mr. O’Keefe will reply to Ms. Wielgosh.

Joe Carbonell, 5 Bauer Road, enjoys music from Angelico’s.  It is not offensive.  He is more disturbed in the a.m. by motor cycles.  

Reserved:  None

Adjournment:  A motion was made by Mr. Devine, seconded by Ms. Engel, to adjourn the meeting at 10:12 p.m. Voted (5-0-0).

Respectfully submitted,

Lori Lanzi
Recording Secretary